In AR Racking we are firmly committed to sustainability. We strive for economic growth that has a positive impact on people, that is responsible towards social development and that protects the environment.

Strategy aligned with a sustainable future
Creating value in all areas impacted by its activities is one of AR Racking’s core principles. This includes personal, social, and economic value, with a commitment to acting responsibly today for a more conscious, respectful, and sustainable future.
Our goals include taking care of the people who make up AR Racking, fostering a business culture focused on growth and stakeholder well-being, and promoting processes of ecological transition.
We have three lines of action to achieve these sustainability objectives: Living Sustainability Project, adherence to the United Nations Global Compact (Agenda 2030) and a policy of alignment with sustainable development promoters and pioneers.

Living Sustainability Project
Promoted by Grupo Arania and integrated in AR Racking, it is a formal commitment to implement strategies and actions that join the sustainable revolution.
Our philosophy is based on quality, innovation and reliability, both in products and processes and commitments. These commitments are supported by the identification and implementation of processes that favour their actual and effective application.
These are the main areas of action:
- Economic and governance area
- Social area
- Environmental area
The guiding principle of this project is a social conversion that improves the quality of life of people and our surrounding environment.
United Nations Global Compact (Agenda 2030)
AR Racking is a partner of the Global Compact, the UN initiative that leads business sustainability in the world. Together with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of Agenda 2030, we also assume the commitment of integrating in our business strategy effective and specific actions that comply with global sustainable development.

- Governance: culture of sustainability, management of risks and opportunities.
- Corporate Social Responsibility: active and voluntary contribution to sustainability.
- Ethical commercial practices based on the Code of Conduct.
- Cyber security
- Responsible innovation and positive contribution to the economic, social and environmental area.
- Responsible and transparent communication.
- Responsible purchases.
- Due diligence.

- Promotion of and respect for human rights
- ISO 45001 Certification
- Healthy company: protection and promotion of health
- Equality plan
- Professional development
- Continuous training
- External social action strategy: culture and inclusion, biodiversity and collaboration with educational institutions.
- Collaborations: sectoral and business organizations, clusters, institutions…

- ISO 14001 Certification
- ISO 50001 Certification
- Certification of Guarantee of Origin (electricity)
- Photovoltaic panels
- Sustainable mobility: charging points for electric vehicles
- Circular Economy
- Organisation and Product Carbon Footprint
- Green steel, towards a world without carbon emissions
- Digitisation to reduce environmental impact on production
Alignment Policy With Transformative Organizations
For AR Racking, the excellent products and services that drive the business must go hand in hand with social and ecological responsibility. Our synergies with the main promoters and guarantors of the major commitments on comprehensive sustainability are constant.

United Nations Global Compact
Since 2023 AR Racking has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.

Ecovadis Gold Certification
According to the evaluation criteria of the international platform EcoVadis, AR Racking has been certified with the Gold Medal, which rewards the company’s commitment to sustainability. In the EcoVadis analysis, AR Racking’s commitment to and effort in aspects such as the environment, labour practices and human rights, ethics and sustainable purchases are considered.

Certificate of Guarantee of Origin
We are continuously implementing actions at our production centre and offices to reduce and optimize the consumption of plastic, cardboard, water and gas, among other resources. Proof of this is the certificate which ensures that part of the megawatt-hours of electricity produced in the factory has been generated from renewable energy sources or high-efficiency cogeneration.

Avetta Certification
We apply our quality requirement, not only in our products and services, but also in all areas of our organization. The prestigious Avetta network certifies that AR Racking strictly complies with safety practices and has the most trained and qualified personnel, thus ensuring that we are a reliable and transparent organization.