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Solar panels at the production centre to reduce 400 tonnes in CO2 emissions

  • AR Racking installs new solar panels at its production centre in Tudela in a clear commitment to renewable energy.
  • With a production capacity of 100,000 t/year, AR Racking will thus ensure that 22% of its annual electricity consumption at the factory comes from solar energy.
  • The installation of solar panels on warehouses will achieve a reduction of 400 tonnes in CO2 emissions per year.

The industrial racking systems leader AR Racking, with a production capacity of 100,000 tonnes per year, continues to implement actions that demonstrate its commitment to sustainability and the goals of the UN Agenda 2030 on environmental matters. The installation of solar panels at its production centre in Tudela (Navarre, Spain) and the subsequent carbon footprint reduction confirm its commitment to the energy transformation.

The factory, covering an area of more than 35,000 m2, now has a solar panel installation which will result in a reduction of 400 tonnes in CO2 emissions. This will mean that 22% of the electricity consumption used at the production centre will be generated by renewable solar energy. With an installed capacity of 1 MW/h, an annual self-consumption volume of 1,200 MW will be generated at the Tudela factory.

The installation of solar panels is also a question of energy self-sufficiency, a responsible project committed to the environment, people and the future. This is yet another example of the important strategic role that sustainability plays in AR Racking on top of the obtaining of the Certificate of Guarantee of Origin, the Ecovadis certification and the adherence to the United Nations Global Compact to promote the sustainable development goals.