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AR Racking wishes you a Merry Christmas, store your dreams!

AR Racking wishes you a Merry Christmas!

"Store your dreams"


This year our industrial racking has some special requests for Santa:

Dear Santa,

My name is AR and I'm an industrial rack. I am 15 years old, but my Group is over 80. I was born in Navarra, but now I live in more than 65 countries at the same time!

This year I have been very good and I have tried to give my best every day to ensure the best operation of the warehouse.

I admit I'm lucky. I have a great team that makes me more resistant and of higher quality.

My workplace is getting bigger every day, and besides this year they have created a Research and Testing Laboratory just for me, I am very happy.

For this Christmas I only wanted to ask you 3 things:

  • -  For me, a little more R+D+i like every year. It suits me very well and makes me more efficient.
  • -  For all my team, health and happiness beyond work and a bit of patience and energy to cope with the bad days.
  • -  And for customers and distributors, I want to ask for many successes so that they can continue with their great daily work. Their successes are my successes!

I didn't want to end without wishing you luck for this year's gift giving campaign.

And remember, if you ever need to expand your magical gift warehouse, you can always count on me. I promise you'll save time and space!

A big and metallic hug,

AR Rack