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AR Racking obtains the new ISO 45001 certification


AR Racking has obtained the new ISO 45001 certification “Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements and guidance for use", an international standard that specifies the requirements for an occupational health and safety management system

AR Racking’s obtaining of the ISO 45001 standard shows its desire for continuous business improvement to manage occupational health and safety risks, being more efficient, reducing accidents and illnesses, and reducing emergencies and sick leave. This standard is an updated and internationally agreed revision of the OHSAS 18001.

With this certification, AR Racking not only places value on reducing the occupational risk rate and improving the performance of the occupational health and safety system, but also certifies its commitment to corporate responsibility, the participation and consultation of all personnel in the organisation, and developing a preventive culture in the organisation.

For example, AR Racking has had in place for some time a proactive prevention management policy, which not only involves complying with the legislation, but is also reflected in the active health promotion policies and the launch of a physiotherapy service to prevent musculoskeletal injuries, the promotion of healthy eating and a support programme for giving up smoking.